Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Already ran about 3 different virus/adware/syware removers, but something is still lurking on my com

Last night I downloaded something without thinking and instantly had a whole bunch of spyware and adware and trojan messages pop up on my computer. I installed yahoo toolbar and used its anti-virus software and it cleared up most of it except one icon and message that kept appearing in my taskbar. So I unistalled that and then installed AVG. Well AVG got rid of that icon and message that was flashing in my taskbar. So I thought I was good. Well I wasn't. Everytime I use yahoo search to look up a site and go to click the site link .. a new window will pop up with some random suspicious site over and over for about 3 times until finally after the 4th time trying the site I actually want appears. So now I'm trying ad-aware, but the same thing is happening. Click a link I look up in yahoo search and a different site will pop up.

What virus/spyware/adware remover should I purchase that will get rid of this. What out there is the absolute best? Or should I just reformat my computer?

Already ran about 3 different virus/adware/syware removers, but something is still lurking on my computer?virus scan

basically, no matter what you do at this point from whatever advice or suggestions that you get on here, you are never going to be happy with it again until you reformat. once you get a virus this persistant, nothing will clean it 100%, there will alway be registry keys created by it.

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