Friday, August 21, 2009

Hi all...what r the best n most popular spyware,adware and maleware remover?

and where 2 get the full free versions from?

Hi all...what r the best n most popular spyware,adware and maleware remover?vincent

Unfortunatly, these things are where the anti-virus companies make their money... Alot of them give out their anti-virus software free, then offer the package for money to protect you from spyware etc... (There is always spybot search %26 destroy, and other free cleaners, however they dont check in real time to stop the stuff from getting in there in the first place)

The thing you should do, to try to get free stuff is check with your internet provider... If you have broadband (like most people do now-a-days), your provider will likely be giving out free anti-vir/spy packages with your service... Yahoo DSL had a free one when I was with them, Comcast gave out a free one when I was with them, and now I have F-secure (free, with Charter)

It's the cheapest way to do it... If you don't have broadband however, make sure you update your Windows, and have the "defender," put up the free firewall by zone alarm (will find it on

Also as for virus protection, use AVG, it's free, and is easy on your processor... kept me safe for a long time..


The free anti-spy/mal products really aren't helpful for the average user, unless you really know what you're doing... You have to be an intermediate/expert user to understand how to use them, and when to use them... A great tool for expert users to use in conjuction with the cleaners is Security Task Manager, downloadable free from

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